Best Trucks in Expeditions: Mudrunner

Best Trucks in Expeditions: Mudrunner
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

July 3, 2024

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It'll take a bit before the actual, mathematical meta strategies settle down, but after about two dozen hours playing this game, we feel we've got more than enough experience to share our own view on what the best trucks in Expeditions: Mudrunner are. Naturally, the game is bound to receive ample post-launch content - both free and paid - which means this list might no longer count after some DLCs have come out. For the first couple of months, though, you can rely on the two picks we've selected down below, with explanations as to what makes them as useful and handy as they are!

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Best Scout Vehicle in Expeditions: Mudrunner - Collie 293M Pug

The Pug is a former military vehicle that's been retrofitted into a scientific expeditionary platform. Purchasing it will only set you back a mere 30,000 credits, and it comes with all the amenities you could possibly wish for, and upgrades to match. Rollovers and difficult terrain are hardly a problem for the 293M, and we found ourselves using it as our fallback scout vehicle when push came to shove.

One of the Pug's most useful features is its huge 130L fuel tank. This means that even though the Pug does have a limited amount of inventory space available, like any other Scout vehicle, you might not need to dedicate additional storage to extra fuel tanks. Instead, you're free to lug around the arguably more useful spare parts and bonus gadgets. And hey, since the Pug is particularly resilient to flips and turnovers, you're more than welcome to take your chances with particularly risky routes!

Best Off-Road Vehicle in Expeditions: Mudrunner - TUZ16 Actaeon

Few things can beat the sheer adaptive moxie that the Actaeon comes with by default. This truck is, in our book, the best off-roader due to its combination of a relatively small and short frame with the strength of a full-featured truck. Don't get us wrong: the TUZ16 can't do it all, but it sure as heck can do just about most of it, and with gusto to boot. The odds are good you're going to want to keep at least two of these trucks in your fleet, if you don't enjoy tweaking every single build before every single expedition.

For a minor investment, the Actaeon will rapidly mutate into an ever-reliable rock crawler you can use to complete objectives, pull other vehicles out of the mire, or simply explore - all at once, if that's the way you like to play. The really interesting bit, we think, is that the Actaeon is a starter truck, which means you won't need to spend hard-earned money on it to begin with. Of course, eventually, you're going to want to get a bigger, stronger vehicle as well, but the odds are good that you'll be able to play most of the game with this bad boy, quite easily.

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