Manor Lords Multiplayer: When Is It Coming?

Manor Lords Multiplayer: When Is It Coming?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

January 5, 2024

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Manor Lords is seeing immense success on Steam, now that it's come out via Early Access, but the game is obviously unfinished at this time. With a limited amount of single-player content to choose from, some are wondering whether a multiplayer mode is on the docket, instead, and we already know what's up on that front.

Strategy games are ostensibly multiplayer or skirmish-focused in most cases. Campaigns are sometimes quite solid, but freeform battles and builds are what it's usually at, especially in the context of medieval city-building. How is it, then, that Manor Lords doesn't even have a greyed-out 'Multiplayer' mode on the main menu? Is the option totally disabled, or is Manor Lords multiplayer, perhaps, entirely off the docket?

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Where is Multiplayer in Manor Lords?

As it currently stands, the developer Slavic Magic has made it clear that there are no active plans to implement multiplayer in Manor Lords. "The focus is on a refined single-player experience, with no multiplayer or cooperative modes planned at the moment," says the official quote on Steam.

In practice, this means it's highly unlikely we'll be playing Manor Lords in PvP or PvE Co-Op anytime soon. However, that's not to say that the feature won't ever be coming. Slavic Magic has, time and again, underlined how important player feedback is to him, so it's entirely possible that multiplayer-minded fans might sway him into implementing the feature sooner or later. Note that multiplayer is unlikely to drop in until after the game reaches its 1.0 state.

As per Slavic Magic, here's what is definitely not coming to Manor Lords at all:

  • Dynasty mechanics
  • Leader units and/or Heroes
  • Single-person units in general
  • Town guard

It follows, then, that virtually everything else is fair game with enough people asking for it. Even if only after Manor Lords 1.0 has already come out. So, do stay tuned no matter what, and remember that you can disable combat systems entirely, if that's what worries about the game.

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