Expeditions: Mudrunner Multiplayer Guide - How to Play Co-Op?

Expeditions: Mudrunner Multiplayer Guide - How to Play Co-Op?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

June 3, 2024

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Multiplayer is, often, the thing that makes or breaks certain games, and if you're keen on co-op gameplay, you're likely hoping to get precisely that out of Expeditions: Mudrunner to begin with. This is, then, a bit of a bittersweet situation, as even though there is no multiplayer in Expeditions on release day, the developers have already announced that it will release in the relatively near future.

We'll explain everything down below, of course, but in the interim, may we suggest giving Expeditions: Mudrunner a shot on your Steam Deck? The game plays like a dream on Valve's awesome handheld, and that's bound to keep you entertained until your friends, family, and pets can jump into the mud alongside you.

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Expeditions: Mudrunner Multiplayer Mode Explained

As soon as you turn on Expeditions: Mudrunner, the main menu will greet you with a greyed-out 'Co-Op Multiplayer' option. That's because the developer wasn't able to push the option into the game on launch day, opting instead to polish it up and release it down the line. This was, in fact, discussed on the publisher Focus Home Interactive's official forum: "Co-op mode will be released in Expeditions as a free update a few months after the release of the game," announced the resident Community Manager. "Co-op is an important feature, for both MudRunner veterans and newcomers. That’s why we want the multiplayer experience in Expeditions to feel as polished as possible, which means taking a few extra months. Like our previous MudRunner game, SnowRunner, we have some exciting post-launch updates planned for Expeditions, which we’ll talk about soon. Thanks for your patience. Stay tuned for further updates, and thank you for being part of the community!"

It'll be a bit of a wait until we can play Expeditions co-op ourselves, and we're sure it'll be a hoot once it actually comes out. Thankfully, there is a lot of content to wade through before that happens, so we don't believe we'll be bored while we wait!

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