Best Truck Parts and Upgrades in Expeditions: Mudrunner

Best Truck Parts and Upgrades in Expeditions: Mudrunner
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

July 3, 2024

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Knowing which truck to buy and how to get out of exceedingly sticky mud are just two of the many, many skills you'll need to get through the entirety of Expeditions: Mudrunner's many challenges. In our experience, there's really no better way to go about preparing for all of the game's adventures than to properly outfit your ride with the right gear. But, uh... what is right, and which upgrades should you be gunning for in the first place?

That's precisely where this short guide comes into the picture! Down below, we'll explain how to decide which upgrades are the right option for your next Expeditions: Mudrunner mission, how to prioritize which options to go after first, and which are - by far - the most useful tools you could possibly invest in. Expeditions: Mudrunner is only as merciless as you let it be, if we're being honest!

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Expeditions: Mudrunner - Best Truck Parts and Upgrades

Expeditions: Mudrunner is quite good when it comes to explaining what each and every new car part does, and how it changes your ride's behavior. Obviously, you should get a better engine and a better set of tyres as soon as possible, but that's hardly the be-all-end-all of overlanding at all. For example, if you know your vehicle will end up getting immersed into water, investing in a tall snorkel is a no-brainer, and we heartily recommend it for all of your scout vehicles, if nothing else.

In more practical terms, however, you cannot go wrong with a set of upgraded suspension and - at the very least - the extended winch. Improved suspension will let you drive your truck into far more inhospitable terrain than you otherwise could've, and the winch will let you hook up to some really distant terrain to advance where you didn't think was possible.

Once you're set on all of these fronts, we cannot recommend roof and side racks enough. These are, essentially, dedicated inventory slots you can jam extra fuel and spare repair parts into, allowing you to keep your inventory clean for extra gadgets and loot.

So, to summarize in the order of importance, here are the best truck parts and upgrades in Expeditions: Mudrunner:

  • Engine*
  • Tyres*
  • Alternative Suspension
  • Extended Winch
  • Supply Racks

*- not unlocked by default for most vehicles, so skip until applicable

Everything else is secondary outside of niche use cases: your biggest hurdle will most often be simply getting from A to B, and these upgrade and car parts will help you get to your destination. Good luck!

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