Awesome Games to Play during Christmas Break

Awesome Games to Play during Christmas Break
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

December 24, 2019

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Here's the jig: tomorrow is the mother of all holidays, and chances are that you're on Christmas break by now. If that's the case, you're definitely looking for video games to play on your few days off! We're no strangers to not knowing what to play, and so we felt it might be a good idea to share a few curated picks that you, too, will likely enjoy.

Most of the games you're about to see are quite new. Or, rather, new to PC in some cases. Regardless of that, we do have some enticing deals and discounts on all of the below, and we're willing to bet that will spice things up considerably. What connects all of them, in any case, is that they're tremendously fun! That makes the following games a perfect match for a chill Christmas morning and/or afternoon.

Let us begin!

What Christmas Break Video Games should You go for?

christmas break video games

As the last few weeks may suggest, there are many, many phenomenal games you could be playing right now. Hell, if you've been keeping up with us, you know we've even created a late Christmas gifting guide for gamers, and that one was quite exhaustive, even though we did try to reduce the list of must-haves considerably. This year has been heaven for fans of video games, and now, during the Christmas break, it's a veritable crescendo! Here's what we think should be your main games right now:

You'll notice these cover a very wide variety of niches and genres. Ranging from western third-person shooters to contemporary yakuza simulators - there's something for everyone to enjoy. Another thing worth mentioning is that these are some of the best prices on the market right now. Even though the games we're featuring here have only recently been released, we're already offering them at some substantial discounts.

A perfect moment to nab a few of 'em, wouldn't you agree?

What makes these Video Games perfect for the Christmas Break?

christmas break video games

The Christmas break is family time, and the last thing we'd want to do is have them angry with you for playing video games all the time. That's precisely why we're featuring singleplayer games in this article. The importance of being able to pause your game cannot be understated, especially during the holidays. If you absolutely have to get off your PC every once in a while, this won't be an issue with the games above.

Better yet, stuff like Borderlands 3 or The Outer Worlds can be played in short bursts, too. This is by design, of course. Completing a small side-quest is easy if you've got no more than 20-30 minutes to spare, and you'll often be rewarded with awesome loot in both of these games.

Narrative-heavy games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are a bit tougher to enjoy like that, but being able to pause your progress at any time is downright invaluable more often than not. Help with the mashed potatoes: now it shouldn't be a problem! Of course, this is presuming that you're not playing multiplayer. Maybe stick with solo mode during the day!

Anything else You should keep in mind?

christmas break video games

Well, absolutely! We've been preparing Christmas content for some time now, and we think you should check it out if you need more game recommendations. We've got everything you could imagine: personal wishlists, discussions on how to capture the magic of Christmas, must-play Christmas game events showcase, and even local multiplayer games to enjoy right now.

We can keep you busy all day long, easily. We won't blame you for making use of our Christmas Sale and playing these awesome games instead, though. Happy gaming!

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