Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2: Do's and Don't's!

Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2: Do's and Don't's!
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

March 25, 2024

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About 90% of the time, playing Dragon's Dogma 2 is a toss-up between travelling and combat in a roughly half-and-half ratio, all things considered. The game keeps you busy with so many monsters to kill that you'll sometimes find yourself hoping for a few minutes' worth of downtime and hey presto, we might have just the solution for that.

Indeed, there are ways to avoid at least some of the game's many, many combat encounters. Though it is certainly recommended that you kill as many enemies as possible for their loot, resources, and XP, you're not going to want to jump into 20 disparate fights just to move from Melve over to Vernworth. Down below, we've got some tips and tricks to make travelling that much easier on you and your Pawns!

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How to Safely Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2?

As fast travel is extremely limited in Dragon's Dogma 2, you will be running around with your party of Pawns for most of the time. Like, literally running around through the woods, through the fields, through the beaches... you name it. This is good because it allows you to fine-tune your travel path, but it is also kind of bad because it puts you and your party smack-dab in the middle of all the danger that's prowling around the world.

One of the most obvious recommendations we have, if you'd like to avoid at least some of the dangers, is to travel on the roads. The importance of this advice cannot be overstated: some truly high-level encounters await in the caves, forests, and generally places off the beaten path, and if you feel unprepared to tackle something extremely punishing, stick to the road.

Using the Oxcarts to travel on roads is extremely useful in this regard, as this is the kind of sort of fast travel option you get early on. Sure, you will encounter some goblins and bandits every so often, but oxcarts are generally fairly safe and you can doze off to skip time. Good stuff.

Something we wholly do not recommend, though, is to travel overnight. Bad, bad things come out at night in Dragon's Dogma 2, and your party will usually be extremely tired by the time nightfall hits in the first place, which incurs health and stamina maluses across the board.

To that end, travel on the roads during the day, and always keep a camp pack or two at hand in case you need to hunker down for the night!

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