Best PC Video Game Stories!

Best PC Video Game Stories!
Anna Hubbard

By: Anna Hubbard

April 24, 2024

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Looking for the best PC video game stories? Then you've come to the right place!

We've been loving creating these 'best of' lists recently. We've got 2Game's Best PC Fighting Games of All Time; the Best PC Video Games for Kids; and the PC Video Games with the Best Boss Battles! to name but a few. But the best stories feels particularly pertinent, especially given the abundance of live-service multiplayer titles at the moment.

I mean, the gaming industry is about as diverse as you get. It's what we love about the medium. You can spend the morning racing pals, then immerse yourself in a deep and meaningful narrative-driven saga in the afternoon, before completing puzzles or shooting zombies after tea. There's something for everyone. A game-type for every mood.

Having said that, the creativity and complexity that goes into some of the story-rich games in terms of creating a fully-immersive entertainment experience is unparalleled. Yes, explosive combat is fun, but the narratives in some of these games will literally stay with you for life.

Compiling a list of the best PC video game stories isn't easy, and of course it is completely subjective. It is, however, a lot of fun reflecting upon our favorite narratives! Indeed, we'd be very interested to hear how our list compares with what you'd come up with!

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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Awarded IGN's best video game story of 2021, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy took the industry by storm, surprising critics and fans alike with its familiar yet subversive narrative. Not an easy feat considering the well-established nature of the series.

Full of action, laughter, and tears, this critically acclaimed plot somehow manages to stay true to the essence of the franchise, whilst at the same time forging its own path. For example, the linear tale plays out much like a six-issue comic book, (which is about as awesome as it sounds), and the core of the characterization remains true to the movies, yet there are unexpected twists and turns. In this way, the game's re-imagination of the characters succeeds in raising our beloved heroes to a higher level.

Truly, this is a story that is full of heart. A collection of memorable moments that will make you fall in love with Marvel all over again. But for completely different reasons. A great addition to the franchise!

Persona 4 Golden

We had great discussion as to what Persona game to include in this list. In the end, we went with Persona 4. More introspective than the external-focused rebellious themes of Persona 5, the strength of P4s 80 hour campaign comes from its pacing.

The story plays out one day at a time over the period of a year. Yet it never feels drawn-out. Firstly, you have a murder mystery to solve. And then there's life - school, work, relationships. In fact, it's the intricacies of these relationships that adds depth to the narrative. The boss battles set in the underground world of dungeons and monsters may be harrowing, but it is often the interactions with friends that are the most memorable.

Persona 4 is a story full of drama. Comedy. It's a game that explores the full spectrum of emotions. A narrative based on what it is to be alive. Indeed, as the plot reaches its climax, you'll feel like you've undertaken a life-changing event. And like you've done so with companions. What more do you want from a video game story?

Red Dead Redemption 2

No list of best PC video game stories would be complete without Red Dead Redemption 2. AAA storytelling at its best, it really is phenomenal. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the narrative and voice acting of this compelling sequel is unmatched in video game history. Indeed, if you thought RDR1 was good, RDR2 raises the bar - through the roof.

With deep gameplay, and one of the most intriguingly diverse open-world maps ever created, RDR2 is slower-paced than games such as Grand Theft Auto. At least to begin with. That isn't a bad thing, however. On the contrary, the weightiness of the game feels appropriate given its gravitas. Besides, like all good narratives, the tension builds organically as the plot gains traction.

Indeed, the emotions you will experience as you immerse yourself in Outlaw Arthur Morgan's struggles to navigate the dwindling days of the Wild West, are nothing short of visceral. Truly, this sandbox adventure is so enthralling, it almost begins to feel like a life sim! It is certainly a story you won't forget.

The Walking Dead - The Telltale Definitive Series

Absolutely gut-wrenching, Gamesradar's 2012 game of the year, Telltale's The Walking Dead, is as emotionally intense as they come. Following the story of  Lee Everett, a convicted man who decides to help a young girl find her parents after a zombie attack, it's a post-apocalyptic, story-driven adventure that will put you on the edge of your seat.

Indeed, with poignant dialogue, and characters that evoke both love and hate, the pacing and execution of this complex narrative makes for a gaming experience that's as compelling as it is gruesome. As moving as it is infuriating. It's certainly not one that will be forgotten any time soon!

Baldur's Gate II

Again, there was dispute as to whether it should be Baldur's Gate 2, or its sequel Baldur's Gate 3, that occupies this space on the best PC video game stories list. In the end, it was decided that they are both awesome games, but that we would go with the less cinematic, and inarguably darker predecessor.

A Bioware RPG that inspired classics such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate 2 can be described as a game-changer. Indeed, 20 years after its release, you can still feel its magic. And that's both in terms of its influence, but also in relation to the game itself.

Put it this way, I defy you to find an isometric game that evokes such strong emotions. Especially when it comes to the bittersweet ending (don't worry, I won't post any spoilers!).

The balance between dialogue, exploration, combat, and inventory management is spot on, and with such a huge amount of content, the detailed attention paid to the long arc of the plot is incredible.

As with other games on this list, the story is unflinchingly heart-wrenching, with difficult topics approached with nuance. And there's so much to the plot. For example, the side quests of Chapter 2 alone will have you tracking a serial killer, going undercover with a rogue faction of the shadow thieves, battling a mage in a circus tent, and investigating a cult in the sewers, and that's just a tiny slice of what's on offer. This is a game you will certainly be sad to say goodbye to when it finally comes to an end. Fortunately, the story has a lot of replay value!

Yakuza 0

Less about the what, and more about the how, Yakuza 0 is more of a nuanced, post-modern story. With complex characters, and deep dialogue, it explores the multiple driving forces that underpin any particular action, thereby enriching the plot development of the game, and making the action more meaningful.

The vast number of characters, not to mention the layered dimensions to the various relationships, demonstrate the ambitious nature of Yakuza 0. For some, this level of complexity is redundant. For fans of intricate plots, however, it is what makes the game stand out from the crowed.

Batman Arkham City

For years, game studios grappled with the challenge of creating the ultimate Batman experience. Then came Arkham City. I mean, don't get me wrong, its predecessor Arkham Asylum was good. Indeed, at the time of its release, it was considered very very good. However, delivering one of the most captivating narratives in video game history, it was the sequel, Arkham City, that truly revolutionized the franchise.

Truly, with an intricately woven story line, complete with unpredictable twists and turns, Arkham City will be sure to rekindle your love for the series.

Plunging players into the sprawling Arkham City, the game follows Batman's quest to unravel Hugo Strange's sinister plot.  (Not easy when you are simultaneously combating the debilitating effects of Joker's toxic blood!) The cinematic plot will keep you immersed throughout, but the climax of the game is definitely the finale. It will defy all expectations!


Beyond its iconic twist ending, Ken Levine's groundbreaking shooter excels in the art of immersive storytelling. Full of ethical quandaries, and defying convention with its richly detailed backdrop and unexpected narrative turns, this is a dystopian tale that will test your moral fiber.

With dodgy scientists experimenting on young girls to produce power-wielding ADAM, BioShock is a game that addresses all the big themes. We're talking corruption, exploitation, failed societies, and power-grabbing to the extreme.

A world in which trust is a scarce commodity, and your ability to shape your own destiny is interlinked with the principles by which you choose to live your life. A game in which a so-called utopia quickly reveals its dark underside.

PS. After working your way through the initial BioShock, you should definitely check out BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite in BioShock: The Collection to continue the sinister saga!

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic marked an earth-shattering moment in the history of Star Wars video games. Representing the first Star Wars RPG, it revolutionized the genre with its inventive storytelling.

Masterfully combining customization with Star Wars lore, KotOR introduced us to wonderfully flawed and relatable characters. Characters such as the internally conflicted Bastila Shan, and the morally gray Jolee Bindo, that really bring the story to life and give the game its Star Wars feel. The main Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic claim to fame, however, is its DNA-changing plot twist.

Don't worry, I won't give away any spoilers. I want you to get a sense, however, of the scale of this twist. I mean, for a surprise to be noteworthy within Star Wars is already saying something. But this is even more than that. Indeed, above and beyond signifying one the biggest shocks in Star Wars history, we're talking one of the most unexpected plot-twists in gaming history.Now that really is saying something!

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