2K Games Stay at Home Sale: Borderlands 3 at 50% off!

2K Games Stay at Home Sale: Borderlands 3 at 50% off!
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

March 23, 2020

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It's Monday! You know what that means: it's time for yet more awesome deals as part of our Stay at Home promo, with the 2K Games Sale taking the limelight this time! If you're hoping that this means a Borderlands 3 discount, you're right! We've cut the price down by a staggering 50%, so you can get Borderlands 3 at the lowest price point it's ever been at. That's no small feat! Especially for a game this substantial.

It goes without saying that Borderlands 3 is a phenomenal game for socializing, too. Who wouldn't want to grab their friends and run off to a distant land where they could shoot and loot to their heart's content? Anyhow, if that's not the type of stuff that tickles your fancy, perhaps Bioshock sounds better? Indeed, this classic game franchise is available at a huge discount as well! Just keep scrolling and find out all the crucial details about these deals.

Huge 2K Games Sale: Borderlands 3 50% off

Oh man oh man. Borderlands 3 is one of our favorite games, and we're more than happy to announce that we're offering it at a big discount for the duration of our Stay at Home 2K sale! This means you can get it at the lowest price it's ever been at! A truly huge and impressive amount of content for just a few quid, when all is said and done. You could also try winning it through our Twitter game giveaway if you'd like! Just keep in mind that the deals will be up 'till the 30th of March, so don't miss out.

Not only does Borderlands 3 offer incredible gameplay, but it's also worth mentioning that the developers, Gearbox, aren't even close to being done with it. There are more updates and post-launch content coming than we dared hope for, and getting the game now means investing in a veritable treasure trove of loot down the line. We can't recommend it enough!

Also worth mentioning is that the game got a major expansion pack already with the Handsome Jackpot DLC. There's more coming, worry not! The Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC is right around the corner.

Don't forget about the Bioshock Sale, too

Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea best DLC

Hey, we get it. Maybe you're just not into all that looter-shooter malarkey. Maybe you're not too keen on cooperative FPS gameplay. Stories are where it's at, after all, and it's hardly secret that Borderlands 3 cannot hold a candle to something like Bioshock. What if we told you we've got what it takes to keep you busy for weeks, easily?

Collecting all the games and expansion packs the franchise has ever had, Bioshock: The Collection is the ultimate Bioshock experience. You get three massive singleplayer experiences that span multiple timelines and dimensions. Not to mention the series' trademark mind-bending twists and turns! You can get all of that and more for a measly £10!

These modern classics are an absolute must-play for any discerning gamer. Far as recommendations go, we can make this one really easily, regardless of taste and preference. Bioshock games truly are something you need to get through at least once. If you're not a fan of FPS games, crank the difficulty down and enjoy the story! It's very well worth the "trouble", we promise!

We hope this sale offers you something to have fun with as the COVID Crisis develops. We're all in this together, after all! The least we can do is try to stay entertained as much as possible. Good luck, and stay at home!

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