Borderlands 3 Gameplay - Why is it better than Borderlands 2?

Borderlands 3 Gameplay - Why is it better than Borderlands 2?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

September 21, 2019

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If there's one thing that Borderlands 2 didn't have completely figured out, it's gameplay. It's a really good thing, then, that Borderlands 3 gameplay is something else entirely, and way better in virtually every aspect. You might be skeptical about this, we understand. That's why we've prepared this article for your consideration, where we go through one feature of gunplay after another, comparing the two games.

While we're at it, you might wanna check out our awesome (and permanent) 10% discount on Borderlands 3! That's hundreds of hours of Vault Hunter fun right there, but if you're even slightly on the fence, do keep reading.

How is Borderlands 3 Gameplay different from its predecessors?

Borderlands 3 DahlThere are three major gameplay components to every shooter. They're hit feedbackweapons feedback, and movement. If you want a truly good and memorable shooter, you need to either score well on at least two of these, or offer something else to keep players interested. It's fascinating that the previous Borderlands games didn't deliver on any of these grounds. Gunplay has consistently been uninteresting, and hit feedback basically nonexistent. It was serviceable for sure, but not the main draw. Gameplay footage shows Borderlands 3 gameplay to be something else entirely.

We feel confident in claiming that Borderlands 3 comes pretty close to the likes of Destiny 2, even, which is an absolute pinnacle of RPG-lite FPS gameplay. It's not quite *that* good, but Borderlands 3 delivers an incredible upgrade over, say, Borderlands 2, with all of that game's upsides at the ready.

In Borderlands 3, we get an unseen level of variety in guns, and their innate punchiness and weight combine to make some really satisfying weapons feedbackHit feedback is, of course, the next component, and the game's new hit-markers and enemy shot reactions combine with gun feedback to make for something that's genuinely fun even during moment-to-moment gameplay. Previous Borderlands games relied heavily on their RPG systems to do the heavy lifting. No more!

The final gameplay pillar is movement, and Borderlands 3 gameplay footage leaves a great impression here, too. It's a more dynamic game than Borderlands 2, for one. You've got your slides, floaty jumping, mantling, and so much more. Combine this with destructive environments across multiple planets as you chase down the fanatical Calypso Twins, and you get an amazing sandbox for your Vault Hunter to just run around and shoot in. It's hard to overstate how good Borderlands 3 feels, really.

Does this mean Borderlands 3 is more fun?Borderlands 3 gameplay

Oh hell yes. Gearbox took everything that was good about Borderlands, and built a very, very competent shooter to support the RPG. In gameplay, Borderlands 3 is fast, fluid, and brutal. This makes it fun by default! When you add all the traditional features of a Borderlands game to the mix you get something that's very special indeed.

It boils down to the fact that even if you're not into the series' RPG features, you can still have fun just shooting things. That wasn't quite the case before, we'd say. Mind, this is still Borderlands, though. The hallmark humor and visual style are precisely what you'd expect out of it. There's more Vault Hunter content, more guns, more planets, the fanatical Calypso Twins, and more awesome gameplay to enjoy, but it's still good old Borderlands through-and-through. Only difference is, FPS purists can now enjoy it, too!


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