Does Insurgency Sandstorm Have a Campaign?

Does Insurgency Sandstorm Have a Campaign?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

November 16, 2019

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Does Insurgency Sandstorm have a campaign? Yes, believe it or not, Insurgency: Sandstorm single-player story campaign is a thing! Arguably, it hasn't been given nearly enough attention, which is understandable considering the game is a multiplayer shooter first and foremost, but there's more than the multiplayer-focused experience, and there's something to be said about the single-player, too! Hey, the more game modes, the better. And, if you're anything like us, there are times when you don't fancy getting curb-stomped within a microsecond of spawning into the match.

It's no secret that Insurgency: Sandstorm is a pretty hardcore shooter, and its player base is equally elite more often than not. Without a doubt, this puts off a number of potential players. What if we told you that the game's single player core game mode is quite fun, too? Best of all, it's also playable in cooperative multiplayer, if that's your jig. Yes, it's the best of the singleplayer or cooperative experience. We'll explain below, but the bottom line is quite simple: there's much to enjoy in Insurgency: Sandstorm even if you're not a hardcore FPS enthusiast.

It just so happens that this amazing shooter is available at 19% off at the time of writing. If you've been waiting for a good deal to nab it at, this is your chance!

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Does Insurgency Sandstorm have a campaign?

Insurgency Sandstorm Singleplayer

We've already written about Insurgency: Sandstorm a few times now. It's a game that combines the casual gunplay of a garden-variety FPS with the hardcore realism of a mil-sim. That's the short of it, at least. It's perfect for those who enjoy the idea of playing ARMA or SQUAD, but the practice puts them off. There's a very fine balance present in Sandstorm, and it's nothing short of incredible. In moment-to-moment gameplay, this game is precise and weighty, but also just realistic enough to stay fun long-term. Especially if you lean more heavily towards arcade FPS game modes. Best of all, you can enjoy this unique combination of mechanics and features alone, at your own pace.

Is Insurgency: Sandstorm single-player?

Even though Insurgency: Sandstorm is primarily a multiplayer game, it can be played in single-player mode with bots! This means you're not stuck with a must-have online connectivity system, and that you can play whenever you want, however you want. Better yet, its bot-focused PvE mode can also be played in co-op multiplayer, if you wish to.

What is the Insurgency Sandstone single-player campaign?

Insurgency Sandstorm single-player mode is more robust than you might expect at first. Instead of just playing regular matches with AI-controlled bots, you're thrown into an objective-based mini-campaign. There, you and your squad of helpers need to go from one checkpoint to the other, completing tasks along the way as you face increasingly challenging chapters. It takes a bit of getting used to, for sure, but it's oddly compelling!

Is Insurgency Sandstone single-player good for beginners?

You can use Insurgency single-player to figure out the gameplay to a T, but also to try out new load-outs, or just have a bit of fun without worrying about other players. That's not to say bots aren't challenging, mind. And the idea that we're bad at Insurgency has crossed our mind, but that only goes to show that people who are bad at multiplayer shooters can have plenty of fun in Sandstorm, too! That is to say, in single-player, enemies are relentless, but they're not as bad as actual human opponents in multiplayer. It's a great buffer zone, that's for sure.

Would You enjoy Insurgency: Sandstorm single player?

Insurgency Sandstorm Singleplayer

Simply enough, Insurgency: Sandstorm is extremely enjoyable. This is because it's got some amazing maps, but also because it's oddly brutal. Both you and the AI bots can be taken down in two/three rounds, tops, and this leads to really tense stand-offs. Since suppression is a thing, you're also going to want to get a few bursts down range even if you can't 100% hit your target. Your AI buddies might be in a better position to do so! It also provides a playground for those of us who don't want to play multiplayer.

The only real downside with Sandstorm singleplayer is that class roles don't matter all that much. The AI will use their special abilities, but it usually won't be too efficient. To deal with that, joining forces with friends in COOP could work! That said, finishing matches successfully is perfectly possible for solo players, too. Pretty damn tough, but still.

Like everything else in Sandstorm, the game's singleplayer mode is being developed as the devs go along. It's a long process, but at least you know you can always expect improvements down the line. The next major development is slated for 2020, and there's been talk of a survival mode coming down the line. Nothing's set in stone yet, but still. Who knows!

We won't pretend that enjoying Sandstorm solo isn't a niche, but we're also sure that there's a number of players who haven't even considered playing this game because they think it's a dedicated multiplayer experience. Come and see what it's all about.

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