How does Oblivion hold up - playing it in 2020

How does Oblivion hold up - playing it in 2020
Matija Huremovic

By: Matija Huremovic

January 26, 2020

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The other day I decided to install Oblivion and see if it's as good as I remembered it. Basically asked how does Oblivion hold up in 2020? Before you know it I was 4 hours in without stopping. Although, that's if a brief pause to install the unofficial Oblivion patch wasn't counted for.  If you considered giving it a go but were off put by its dated look just keep reading. Here are the perks and disadvantages of Oblivion in 2020 and the answer to does Oblivion game hold up!

Does Oblivion game hold up as Skyrim's older brother?

How does Oblivion hold up Dark Elf

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was released fourteen years ago, all the way in 2006. An open-world role-playing video game developed by Bethesda and a sequel to Morrowind. It set the standard for role-playing games across the board. Oblivion offered hundreds of ways it could be played. It had everything from magic-wielding rogue builds to berserking barbarians.

Not to mention the sheer amount of quests that were to be found. Even though most people prefer the writing of Skyrim's main story, almost everyone agrees that Oblivion's writing of side quests was on a whole other level. All of which could be found in a world of unimaginable size.

The same world was filled with characters featuring a groundbreaking AI system. The characters had schedules to go about for every hour of the day. Not to mention they were different for each day of the week. It was soon after Oblivion that NPC schedules became a norm in open-world RPGs. But how does Oblivion hold up with all of that today?

How does Oblivion hold up when it comes to visuals

Let's get this one out of the way first. It's been 14 years since the release. Of course the graphics look dated for modern day gaming. However, they're much better than some other games from that period. When asking how does Oblivion hold up you might be tempted to judge it on its visual. Please, don't let that be the only factor. If you want to check out some screenshots you can visit the Oblivion 2game page.

Personally, I'm not bothered by it. The gameplay and storytelling more than make up for it. But if you are a person who cares about the visuals there are some amazing mods to be found. In a matter of minutes Oblivion can look as if it was released a few years ago.

The writing of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Oblivion portal

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Oblivion has some of the best writing RPGs have ever seen. When it comes to the question of how does Oblivion hold up there isn't much more that needs to be said. But that won't stop me.

The sheer amount of work and care the developers put in Oblivion's quests is obvious from the start. There is one thing that was done best in Oblivionthe humor. Quests are full of characters that brought sometimes ridiculous scenarios into serious matters. You won't find a woman who smiles as she asks you to kill, burn, and pillage anywhere else. Not to mention the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild storylines. They are truly one of a kind.

But Oblivion does have one additional thing that should bring a few bonus points for it. It is one of few games that boasts sir Patrick Stewart as a voice actor. The other that comes to mind is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Sir Patrick Stewart's performance is timeless and gives a lot of credit to the game.

How does Oblivion hold up when it comes to mechanics

Honestly, it holds up really well. The mechanics might not be as polished and smooth as they are in Skyrim, but the core is the same. Sidenote – this is probably the first time someone called Skyrim polished. Everything from the newer titles is still present in Oblivion. That includes the different weapon and magic classes, armour, and a bunch of skills to level up.

When it comes to the mechanics part of how does Oblivion hold up in 2020 the verdict is quite simple. It holds up much better than other games from the same period. First-person shooters from mid 2000s can feel clunky, and platformers can be rage inducing. But Oblivion? Oblivion still feels great to play. Sneaking up to a goblin and hitting it with a greatsword for quadruple damage never gets old.

Does Oblivion game hold up - the verdict

How does Oblivion hold up

Here is my opinion on does Oblivion game hold up. If there is one old(er) game that should be played more often it's definitely The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Even though new games from the series might seem more appealing with their fancy graphics and multiplayer, there is still nothing that compares to the world of Oblivion. It definitely deserves to be given a chance.

Give it a go, you won't regret it. The good news is that we have it in store for you. Check out Oblivion 2game page and get it for a best price possible. I'll see you when you close the gates of oblivion!

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