10 Best Video Games for Kids to Play - How to choose?

10 Best Video Games for Kids to Play - How to choose?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

May 2, 2020

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If the Internet has led you to this article, then you're looking for the best video games for kids to play! For whatever reason, you're in need of some awesome children-appropriate games, and we're more than happy to deliver. We have to say right away that these aren't free kids' games. Instead, we felt obliged to deliver the type of high-quality premium gaming experience you yourself might wish for!

For that reason, the games you'll find below are truly the stuff you'd want your kids to play. No microtransactions, just pure gaming awesomeness for the young ones to enjoy. Ranging from neat RPGs all the way to arcade sidescrollers, we can hardly blame you if you give these a whirl yourself. Truth be told, we finished most of them already, and they're all quite amazing in their own right.

We didn't want to give you easy games and whatnot. Kiddos want a challenge, too, it's just that its framework doesn't need to be overtly violent and gritty. These are the titles we wouldn't have minded playing back when we were kids, you see!

Without further ado, let us show you our list of best kids' video games to get and play!

Seasons After Fall

best video games for kids

As you're about to discover, there's a number of astonishingly beautiful games on this list. Seasons After Fall is just the first we chose to mention. Published by one of the most prolific game companies there are, Focus Home Interactive, this incredible puzzle-platformer is a great game to have your kids play.

Players take control over a magically-infused fox on an adventure to save its home. The only way to do so is to reach out to the mystical Guardians, earn their unique abilities, and use the power of Seasons to beat back the encroaching evil. We enjoyed this game because it's nailed the right balance between fun and challenging, and watching the protagonist fox in motion is nothing short of incredible.

Since it's a pretty forgiving sidescroller, it's also a perfect intro to gaming for kids!

  • Get Seasons After Fall HERE

Ori and the Blind Forest

best video games for kids

Ori and the Blind Forest sits firmly in the same genre as Seasons After Fall, and even covers the same niche. A beautiful, dreamy side-scroller with a narrative that'll keep you going until you're all the way through. Be warned, though: Blind Forest is quite heavy on the feels side of things. No less hard-hitting than a great book, we think. The delivery is on par with the greatest picture-books ever made, too.

All of this combined with Metroidvania-like gameplay and fun movement and lightweight combat combine into a game that'll easily keep both you and your kiddo busy for weeks on end. It really is that good.

Worth keeping in mind is that the second game in the series, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, is coming out in just over a month, so that's also something to look into.

  • Get Ori and the Blind Forest HERE

Cat Quest II

Blue Monday 2020 Games

Let us tread into role-playing games for kids for a quick bit! Cat Quest II already got featured in our cozy games article, and we still stand by our claim that it's a really great little RPG to enjoy on a rainy afternoon. Since it foregoes some of the more complex RPG tropes without losing key features of the genre, it's also a phenomenal first RPG for kids to get into.

Really, the simple truth is that Cat Quest II is cute and fun and easily retains a wondrous sense of exploration throughout its story. We can't recommend it enough! What's really good about it is that it features cooperative multiplayer. That's right - you can join forces with your kiddo and kick butt across a whole continent of civilized cats and dogs! What's not to like?

  • Get Cat Quest II HERE

Super Bomberman R

The Bomberman franchise is hardly new, though the recent Super Bomberman R really brings it into the new millennium. It's the Bomberman we all know and love, but with better graphics, more content, and more customization than ever before. Of course, there's both singleplayer and multiplayer modes to enjoy, which will easily keep the game fresh for longer than you might think.

The core gameplay concept is still simple enough to grasp at a moment's notice, but the content has been enriched in more ways than we could mention here. A great choice if you're in need of a party game for kids.

  • Get Super Bomberman R HERE

LEGO Games are some of the Best Video Games for Kids

In this day and age, LEGO is basically an institution. Did you know, however, that there's an extremely versatile LEGO game catalog available right here at 2Game? Whether it's superheroes or sandbox gaming, dinosaurs or NINJAGO that your kiddo is most interested in, boy have we got you covered.

Even Star Wars and Harry Potter IPs are well-represented here. The best part of all this is that you cannot go wrong no matter which LEGO game you opt for. They're all quite incredible in their own right, and they offer more content than you could shake a stick at. If there's one game franchise you absolutely want to invest in, it's this one.

  • Choose the best LEGO game HERE


Veering slightly into adventure gaming, Figment is unlike anything else on this list. Dreamy and brimming with imaginative concepts, this musical action-adventure is an absolute beauty in every respect. Players must face and fight a wide variety of nightmares to save Figment's wondrous dreamscape, and the only way to do so is to use both might and brainpower.

If you wish for your kiddos to develop an intricate and balanced taste in games, we feel Figment might be your best bet, if it's just one game you want to get. And hey, while we're at it, do give this game a shot on your own terms. It'll surprise you!

Best Video Games for Kids List isn't complete without Rayman Legends

best video games for kids

One of Ubisoft's greatest sidescrollers, and potentially one of the best sidescrollers ever made, Rayman Legends is nothing to scoff at. Featuring an incredible sense of rhythm and mobility options that are too fun to avoid using, Legends is a game that everyone needs to play through at least once.

Really, for a list of best video games for kids, this is one of those titles that you cannot go without. Mechanically simple yet challenging, Legends presents its players with a free-form, almost sandbox-like environment to grow their abilities in. Since your kids will be able to make their own way through Rayman Legends' incredible roster of levels and adventures, they'll surely appreciate the freedom the game affords them.

We can't help but mention that you'll also find an awesome coop multiplayer mode here, as well as a selection of fun versus games to play with 2-4 other players. It's a boon!

  • Get Rayman Legends HERE

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD

Banana Blitz HD Monkeys Characters

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD is a unique party game that, quite simply, tasks you with lobbing a monkey down a death-spiral. It's way more cheerful than that, though, we promise! The reason why this is on our list is that it's cheeky, vivid, and fun, and because it's got plenty in store no matter how many players engage with it.

Before you know it, you'll be racing your kid's monkey in a mad dash for the finish line, all the while you're trying your damndest to collect all the bananas that got strewn around the level. With plenty of unlockables and tracks to play on, Banana Blitz HD is the ultimate version of Super Monkey Ball, and a great game for the young 'uns to play.

  • Get Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD HERE

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

A wacky and mind-bending sidescroller, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a very clever game. Players need to switch between two types of dreamscapes on the fly while still navigating their way through an increasingly more challenging maze of obstacles in front of them. Arguably more difficult than the sidescrollers we mentioned before, the Giana Sisters games are still a great intro to gaming.

As you may expect by now, Twisted Dreams also comes with a neat multiplayer racing mode that'll be a great boredom breaker in times of need.

  • Get Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams HERE

Grow Home + Grow Up as our final pick of Best Video Games for Kids

best video games for kids

Our final pick is another Ubisoft game. Rather, two of them, though it only makes sense to include both Grow Home and Grow Up since they're birds of a feather. Spanning two whole game, the story of Bud, the terraforming robot, is not one you'll quickly forget about. Players need to navigate a vertically-expanding labyrinth of plants in an attempt to reach their goal. The result is a dizzyingly awesome 3D platformer that's more heartfelt than it might seem at first.

Both of the titles are quite short but challenging in sections. We believe they'll be perfect for those kids who enjoy thinking outside the proverbial box.

Now that you've gone and gotten some awesome games for kids, you may also be interested in stuff that you might not want them to play yet. For example, we've got stealth game highlights, as well as a list of indie games you do not want to miss. So don't! And hey, don't be afraid of giving the titles we mentioned above a whirl. They're pretty awesome.

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