DREDGE: The Lovecraftian Fishing Game We've Been Waiting For

DREDGE: The Lovecraftian Fishing Game We've Been Waiting For
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

August 3, 2023

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There's certainly an argument to be made that Lovecraftian games are a tad overdone by now. Note, too, that we specifically say Lovecraftian rather than Cosmic Horror, because cosmicism truly is a bottomless well when you think about it. However, we ended up rethinking the idea that we may be done with Lovecraft once we saw DREDGE: the Lovecraftian fishing game!

This long-awaited indie project was initially announced a while back, and it's only recently officially made its way to Steam. Currently slated to launch on March 30DREDGE promises a curious new interpretation of classic cosmic horror stories of yore. Team17 and 2Game have teamed up to help you, too, add the game to your Steam library soon as it comes out, and this article will explain what makes DREDGE so special in the first place.

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Why DREDGE is the Lovecraftian Fishing Game You Didn't Know You Needed

DREDGE Lovecraftian Fishing: Article Pic 1

DREDGE is an awful lot of things, as you're about to find out. An arcade, yet immensely satisfying fishing mini-game with an inventory sorting system straight out of Diablo II. A less obtuse take on Sunless Sea. An exploration-based ARPG with lore to match its formidable cosmic horrors. At a very basic level, though, it's a game about angling.

Players set out with a small fishing trawler early on that is upgradeable and customizable. As the game progresses you can research special equipment and upgrade your boat's capabilities to trawl deep sea trenches and gain access to rare fish and valuable deep-sea curios. To start with, your only job is to dredge up a load of fish. Simple enough, right? The problems arise when things other than regular fish begin to crop up. At the same time, the locals may begin behaving erratically, with suspicious requests and odd jobs popping up.

The atmosphere, from what we've seen of it, is impeccable. Featuring a simplified, yet striking visual style, DREDGE successfully shows you what your place in the food chain is at any given point in time. Its character design is as ominous as ominous gets, and the water is just translucent enough to give you a hint of what awaits below. Neat!

Pre-order DREDGE via 2Game to get a lovely discount!

An Opportunity to Explore Impossible Depths

DREDGE Lovecraftian Fishing: Article Pic 3

Early previews have plainly stated that DREDGE does its job phenomenally well. The game's excellent pacing makes its survival horror elements pop in a way that you wouldn't necessarily expect, and though it's far from survival titles such as Subnautica, it manages to set up a dreary, immersive atmosphere in a way many games never do.

DREDGE provides you with a way to improve your character and your vessel in virtually every aspect. With research and crafting systems aplenty (and an implied spellcasting feature, even), there's always something new to look forward to. What's most noteworthy, however, is how upgraded gadget functionality gives you access to new areas and, yes, depths. DREDGE's progression systems are finely tuned for its greater gameplay loop, making the game very satisfying to play.

Whether you're driven forward by the promise of dredging up impossible treasures or the classification of an unprecedented life-form, DREDGE has both of these things in droves.

Impeccable Atmosphere of Dread and Despair... and Discovery!

One of the things we like the most about the core pitch behind DREDGE is that it needs to balance between sheer dread and a constant sense of discovery. Explore each area while completing quests and visiting neighboring island regions to take advantage of unique opportunities, discover hidden treasures, acquire strange new abilities, and uncover mysterious secrets. With over 100 unique fish to catch and - presumably - almost as many pieces of kit to outfit your vessel with, there's a bunch to grind for. Sell your discoveries to the locals to learn more about each area, including each area's troubled past, and upgrade your boat to reach even more secluded locations.

However, the game's central narrative matters a great deal, too. This is where the numerous NPCs come into the picture. Some of them are perfectly normal, upstanding people. Others, however, are just cultists under a thin veneer. Creepy, strange, and unlikeable, the lot of them. Players will need to work with all sorts of peculiar characters to figure out what's going on, but not all of them with have their best interests at heart.

Previews agree: there's always something exciting around the bend in DREDGE. If the early hours of the game are anything to go by, that's an excellent sign indeed!

Gotta Catch 'Em All?

Overall, we've got to admit that DREDGE is the most hotly anticipated indie on our docket for March of 2023. It's an exceedingly promising new project that stands out in all the right ways. Naturally, since the game is due to launch later this month, we don't know just yet if it's any good! Considering the publisher, Team17, we've got a good feeling about it.

You can snag a pre-order via 2Game, mind! In fact, we've set up a special pre-order discount, to boot. This means that, if you find DREDGE right up your alley, you can save a buck, get some extra goodies, and play it on day one. Doesn't get any better than that, we think. Expect more coverage of the game features in the coming days, though - right here at our Community Hub.

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