Aliens: Dark Descent Gameplay, and What Makes It Special

Aliens: Dark Descent Gameplay, and What Makes It Special
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

July 6, 2023

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Depending on whether you've already seen Aliens: Dark Descent gameplay or not, you probably have your mind made up on whether it's your sort of game or not. Due to launch on June 20, this real-time strategy and survival game hybrid promises an experience quite like that we've seen in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Except, of course, from a different point of view.

Now, right off the bat, it's worth highlighting that we quite enjoyed Fireteam Elite for what it was. An objective-based live-service experience, it's still a great co-op multiplayer title for those who are in the market for such a thing. It even has a unique narrative slant with lore tidbits not seen elsewhere. A first for Xenomorph-based video games, in fact!

Aliens: Dark Descent has its sights set a bit higher still, however. We've already seen a very promising gameplay overview trailer hosted by Focus Entertainment, for one, and in this article, we'll explain why Aliens: Dark Descent is one of those games you want to keep an eye out for!

READ MORE: Why Fireteam Elite is the Best Aliens Shooter

Explaining the Aliens: Dark Descent Gameplay Loop

While we've already thoroughly discussed everything we know about Aliens: Dark Descent, this article is laser-focused further still. The game's gameplay loop, after all, isn't that of a regular real-time strategy title. The first thing to note is that you're only going to control a few hardened Colonial Marines at a time. These are squad-level tactics, through and through. Instead of nuking the place from orbit, players need to put their survivalist shoes on and scrounge for resources to keep their troops going.

Aliens: Dark Descent does, indeed, feature a comprehensive meta-progression system. It's quite like XCOM, in fact. Players get to customize and progress their Marines, outfitting them however they see fit. In turn, the Marines are subject to permadeath rules, forcing players to think on their feet and make hard, persistent choices.

And really, persistence is the key in Dark Descent. Not only does meta-progression play into every aspect of Dark Descent's tactical gameplay, but the things players do on levels are permanent. Bolting doors shut will keep them shut when you return to the level later on. Sure, it keeps the Xenos away, but it also closes off a potential escape route, for example...

Pre-order Aliens: Dark Descent for a Sweet Discount!

Free-Form Progression, But Persistent

In practice, players will need to decide what they focus on in real time. Do you send your hardened Colonial Marines out on a scavenging mission for food, or do you advance the main objective? If the main objective is your goal, how do you go about realizing it? Stealth is, after all, a viable option in Aliens: Dark Descent. Alternatively, one may wish to go in fast and hard, setting up one safe zone after another until they can do what they need.

Options are crucial, according to the developers and Focus Entertainment. And we believe them, because this is Tindalos Interactive behind the wheel, the same guys and gals that made the phenomenal Battlefleet Gothic:  Armada game series. Who better to feature a fully fledged tactical campaign that delves deep into a veritable Xenomorph outbreak? Deep strategy against horrifying creatures? Sign us up!

Obviously, though, the Xenos aren't stupid in Dark Descent. These things are mean, vicious, and relentless. Their in-game AI should reflect these things, too, as they will adapt their tactics according to the players' actions. A similar approach will also be taken by the game's human and humanoid enemies, and this is where things get really interesting.

Brand-New Threats, Whatever That Might Mean

Aliens: Dark Descent is supposed to be way more of a sandbox experience than its marketing lets on. Not only are all level-based progression objectives persistent and permanent, but the Colonial Marines will also be vying for territorial control with several other factions, as well as the Xenomorphs themselves. There will be mercenary forces clad in white, specifically, as well as a mysterious faction of Xeno-aligned Guardians. These are, as you'd expect, currently a big unknown.

What little we know about Guardians is that they have voluntarily taken on Xenomorph embryos and outfitted themselves with Embryostasis devices to slow down their life cycle. This lets them walk among Xenos safely, but isn't really good news for the Colonial Marines, as they do not seem to be on the same side.

Whatever the case may be, it is a good setup for combat and faction warfare. We are excited to see how the sandbox evolves over time, especially with wildcards such as these Guardians thrown into the mix, changing up how Aliens: Dark Descent gameplay works on a moment-to-moment basis.

Tie-Ins With Fireteam Elite?

Aliens: Dark Descent Gameplay - Article 1

We would not be even remotely surprised if Focus Home Interactive opts to tie Fireteam Elite in with Dark Descent. As Focus Entertainment is obviously heavily pushing the Aliens franchise, pulling its narrative forward, there's an immensely valuable opportunity here. True enough, most people will have already moved on from Fireteam Elite, but the fact remains that it's a genuinely compelling and fun third-person shooter. More importantly, its lore beats featuring the Pathogen, in particular, should be expanded upon in Aliens: Dark Descent.

Considering the presence of mysterious humanoid threats aligned with Xenos, and the white-adorned commando units, it's within reason that something is indeed afoot on this front. We'll need to wait and see, of course. In the time interim, we've got our fingers crossed for Focus Entertainment to pull off a new expansion of the Alien franchise.

Stay Tuned!

Aliens: Dark Descent Gameplay - Article 3

It should be clear by now why we're so excited about Aliens: Dark Descent. Aside from fascinating source material, the persistent levels and a free-form approach to objectives will make for a compelling approach to real-time strategy. In most cases, RTS titles we get are grand-scale experiences. Designed to give players control over entire armies' worth of units. A fully fledged tactical campaign focusing on these bits is the dream, really.

Not here, though! With just a few Colonial Marines at the players' disposal, and a heavy focus on objectives, we're in for something special. The riffs on XCOM are very welcome as well. Discussing such a large experience's meta-game is hard pre-release. That said, everything we've seen of Aliens: Dark Descent gameplay so far makes us think that the devs have got a slam dunk at their hands. Or, worst case scenario, a new terrifying Xenomorph outbreak for us to deal with!

CHECK OUT: Fireteam Elite's Pathogen DLC is More Interesting Than You'd Think!

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