Stellaris: The Machine Age Release Date Announcement Trailer

Stellaris: The Machine Age Release Date Announcement Trailer
Anna Hubbard

By: Anna Hubbard

December 4, 2024

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Due to launch on May 7th, Stellaris: The Machine Age is the exciting new DLC for the grand strategy sci-fi from Paradox Development Studios. Representing a new era of galactic exploration, revolutionary scientific advancements push the limits of human-machine interaction to unprecedented levels. This raises ethical and social quandaries never before faced, as organic matter merges with machinery. We're talking the emergence of an empire of robots with individualistic personalities, and the rise of synthetic consciousness, as human life transcends biological constraints.

As if presiding over such rapid technological and social change wasn't task enough, a looming danger lurks in the depths of space. A threat so ominous, it challenges the fundamental essence of life itself.

If any franchise can pull off such an ambitious project, it's Stellaris. Indeed, for a rundown of previous boundary breaking DLCs, you can read our article Stellaris DLC Ranking: The Top 10 Must-Have Expansion Packs. For now, the question arises, will The Machine Age have what it takes to push for the top spot?

Let's check out the brand new Stellaris: The Machine Age Release Date Announcement Trailer for a glimpse of what lies in store! Heads up, the face of Stellaris is about to change forever.

Pre-order your discounted copy of Stellaris: The Machine Age at 2Game today!

Stellaris: The Machine Age Release Date Announcement Trailer

For eons the fear of the short sighted has kept you from what you deserve. From what you so desperately need. Well, if that doesn't draw you in, I don't know what will. The cinematic beauty is mesmerizing, if a bit eerie. OK, very eerie! But this is Stellaris, after all. It's as unsettling as it is immersive. 

I return to end all ignorance. Do not fear, do not tremble, do not resist. A sci-fi world of wonder, and unease. The intrigue of technological advancement. The possibilities that arise from transcending the constraints of the body and mind. The trepidation of losing what it is to be human. My children, at last I am returned to you. 

The consequences of the heralding of the Machine Age are unknown. I want for nothing. My purpose is to give: Knowledge; Power; Love. 

I guess only time will tell what fate has in store for the future of humanity. I don't know about you, but I'm curious.

Pre-order your discounted copy of Stellaris: The Machine Age at 2Game today!

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