The Franz Kafka Videogame - Surreal, Absurd, Lovely

The Franz Kafka Videogame - Surreal, Absurd, Lovely
Mato Filipovic

By: Mato Filipovic

April 10, 2019

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Franz Kafka is probably the last name you would associate with video games. However, developer mif2000 saw potential in adapting Kafka's work in video game form, bringing us The Franz Kafka Videogame.

Surreal in every way

You play the game as K, a simple man with an opportunity for better employment. To get that alluring job you will have to pack your bags and travel to lands beyond your comprehension.

The Franz Kafka Videogame is a seemingly simple point-and-click game. Its puzzles never go beyond one screen, meaning there is no backtracking of any sort.
Such an approach is kinda perfect for gamers who are not very fond of point-and-clickers.

You'll never know what you're gonna get when it comes to puzzles. Each one is very different from the other. Some require thinking outside of the box while others need more imagination that thought. One common thread with the puzzles is surrealism which fits nicely with Kafka's work.

Kafka would be proud

The game is interested more in capturing the atmosphere of Kafka's world rather than making direct adaptations to his work. Sure there are some direct nods here and there, but overall this is an original story with a twist that will probably catch you off guard.

It truly is one of those games that are really hard to describe yet it is best to save the details for that first experience. To some, it might be a bit too surreal and puzzles can be a bit of a headscratcher. Luckily there is a hint system that unlocks on each level if it takes you too long to figure it out, but hints are just vague enough that solving puzzles with them still feels satisfying.

Franz Kafka Videogame is a fairly short experience that can be finished in less than an hour for those more experienced with the genre. However, just like a good book, there is a good chance you'll get back for more than one playthrough simply for the unique experience the game offers, complemented with superb visuals.

Also, showing it to your friends and watching them struggle with puzzles is always good fun.

If you like what you hear, you can get The Franz Kafka Videogame by clicking right HERE

Already played Franz Kafka Game? What did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below.
Until next time, keep on gaming!

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