The Remake of RE4 - Parry Moves, Finishers, and More!

The Remake of RE4 - Parry Moves, Finishers, and More!
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

July 3, 2023

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Capcom is slowly, but certainly creeping towards the inevitable launch of its next big blockbuster, the remake of Resident Evil 4, and this means that the media campaign surrounding the game is picking up speed, too. We recently learned, for example, what some of the new features in Resident Evil 4 Remake will be, including new Resident Evil 4 parry moves against enemy attacks, finishers, and more, and we couldn't wait to tell you all about them as you don your combat knife to master the perfect parry!

True enough, some of these new features are simple things drawn from previous Resident Evil titles. Others, however, promise an entirely new gameplay experience or a loop in and of itself. Did you know, for example, that Resident Evil 4 Remake will have a number of side-quests for you to pursue? Dead Space style, from the looks of it! These didn't quite fit into our technical summary for Resident Evil 4, so we felt the best way to go about it is to set up an all-new article, instead.

With this article, we'll go over the biggest of these exciting new features, and help you make sense of whether all these changes will be for the better or not. Spoiler alert: things are looking mighty fine indeed so far! Good luck mastering that perfect parry!

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Confirmed New Features in RE4 Remake - RE4 Parry, Finishers, and More

It's plenty obvious by now that Capcom is making some big strides with Resident Evil 4. While we were quite thrilled with Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake, the fourth mainline entry in the franchise always stood out as the big deal. Capcom could've easily phoned it in, too: a straight-up upgrade to the old remasters and be done with it. Thankfully, the developers are a conscientious bunch, and what they're working on is, instead, a total revitalization of the old classic.

The one thing we can't yet comment on is, of course, the game's cheesiness. The remake needs to balance on a knife's edge (not your combat knife!) between the franchise's more serious remakes and the original title's campiness, and it's going to be interesting to see how Capcom handles this particular problem. Setting that aside for a bit, it's feature o'clock, so let's get to it! Let's go for the perfect parry!

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Side-Quests and Optional Content

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Against all odds, the Capcom team working on Resident Evil 4 Remake revealed that the remake should, in fact, be bigger than the original game by a measurable margin. That's right - bigger. To facilitate this increase in size and content, the game will leverage good old side-quest systems. This should allow Leon and Ashley to explore the Spanish backyards a tad more thoroughly, and it's possible that some of the side-quests will even lead to iconic scenes from the original game.

Stealth Features

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Leon and Ashley can now crouch to avoid alerting the Ganados ahead of time! We've already seen this feature used in one of the game's pivotal boss fights, featuring the blind blade-handed monstrosity in the cellar. This goes hand-in-hand with the game's improved armaments, too. Leon can use his combat knife and silent weapons to pick enemies off one at a time, thus reducing the horde before the enemy attacks gets tough.

Boss Revamps

Since there will be no cutscenes with quick-time-events in the Resident Evil 4 remake - something that the original game was absolutely infamous for - this meant that the devs needed to totally rethink how some bosses functioned. Take the Krauser fight, for example. Since Leon's knives are far more useful and handy this time around (more on that in the next section), it makes sense that the Krauser fight would, in fact, leverage this expanded new system. Other bosses, too, will receive appropriate tune-ups!

Knife-Based Parrying

Popularized in no small part by fighting games, the Souls series, and other Capcom titles like Monster Hunter Rise, parrying has been popular in video games for quite some time. Now the mechanic has found its way into the Resident Evil 4 remake, and learning how to carry out the perfect parry with your combat knife will make your life significantly easier.

As you look to master the perfect parry, it's good to know that Leon can, in effect, parry anything in the game - not just his combat knife. In fact, gameplay trailers have shown that parries are one of the most useful and important new features in Resident Evil 4 remake, whether that's knife parries with your combat knife, or parries with whatever you deem appropriate! Yes, parries can be your saving grace, especially if you can successfully parry a chainsaw revving just over your neck only using your combat knife. Just bear in mind that knife durability decreases during a parry.

Also, it's worth remembering that if you successfully Parry an attack, the enemy will be pushed back slightly, and all damage will be negated. Indeed, often enemies that have been parried will be open to further attacks, like melee attacks and knife finishers. The act of parrying in the Resident Evil 4 remake is pretty simple, though you must have a knife equipped and knife durability decreases during a parry against enemy attacks. The specifics haven't yet been shown, of course, but the system is based on what we've seen in Resident Evil 2 Remake, though seemingly expanded upon with parries and melee attacks. Have fun going after that perfect parry!

Customization Functionality

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Though players could very well unlock alternative costumes for Leon and Ashley in the original game, it didn't actually have much in the way of extra customization options. In Resident Evil 4 Remake, however, players will be able to equip a whole slew of different carrying cases, set up weapon charms, and - yes - dress up really nicely. In fact, the Deluxe Edition has a number of snazzy costumes to choose from, though the majority of them appear to be unlockable via in-game challenges.

All-New Gear

Finally, it's worth highlighting the fact that Capcom is going all-in on gear upgrades for Resident Evil 4. We've seen a number of awesome new weapons already, such as the adaptive Bolt Thrower or the badass Mare's Leg lever-action shotty, but Capcom promises that there are a bunch of exciting surprises waiting in the game. Naturally, all of the original game's weapons will be making an appearance, too, with the H&K SL-8 and the TMP already having been prominently shown off!

Resident Evil 4 Remake - Coming Out on March 24!

New Features in RE4 Remake: Article 1

As you can probably tell by now, Capcom seems to be gunning for the Game of the Year award of 2023! As tough as the competition may be - with Hogwarts LegacyAtomic Heart, and beyond - we have to say that we genuinely think that Resident Evil 4 has a good chance of getting there, too.

Naturally, we're still squarely in the hype-up portion of the game's pre-release marketing campaign, but with less than a month to go and some truly very positive previews already shown, we're extremely excited to see how the Resident Evil 4 Remake pans out. Stay tuned for more coverage as we get more info - right here at 2Game!

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