How to Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2

How to Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

March 26, 2024

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Given the remarkable trickiness and deliberate obtuseness of Dragon's Dogma 2, it should come as no surprise that the game does not really want you to fast-travel all over the place. In this game, to travel is to hoof it or, as it were, to have an ox hoof it for you. Most of the time, you'll be travelling either on foot or via the decidedly unreliable oxcart system, which really drives home how treacherous and punishing this world can get.

Now, there does exist an actual, full-fledged fast travel system in Dragon's Dogma 2, though it too comes with its own set of deliberate limitations and obfuscations, and down below, we'll explain what they mean and how it all pans out in practice. Trust us: you don't really want to waste your Ferrystones willy-nilly in the first place.

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How does Fast Travel work in Dragon's Dogma 2?

Notably, Dragon's Dogma 2's entire fast travel system rests upon two key gameplay elements: Portcrystals and Ferrystones. Portcrystals - as depicted in the featured picture of this guide - are static fast-travel points you can teleport to by expanding one Ferrystone. Ferrystones are, then, essentially the currency that you spend to fast-travel to pre-set points on the game's overworld. You'll find a Portcrystal in most of the game's major settlements and important locations, but make sure that you activate each one you find, as you won't have access to their services otherwise.

Now, the interesting twist comes from the portable Portcrystals. Indeed, there are smaller, custom-made Portcrystals you can set up wherever you like to have quick access to a given area of the map. This is extremely useful for obvious reasons, but there are two caveats to keep in mind:

  • You can only place up to 10 custom Portcrystals at a given time
  • Portcrystals are extremely rare; one of the rarest items in the game, in fact

This, combined with the fact that you still need to spend Ferrystones to fast-travel means that the feature is really only useful when you need to move across big chunks of terrain basically instantaneously, rather than something we recommend relying on all the time.

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