How Long is Expeditions: Mudrunner?

How Long is Expeditions: Mudrunner?
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

May 3, 2024

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It's broadly established by now that Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game is a relatively straightforward offshoot of the Snowrunner/Mudrunner IP. A side-story recounting something entirely different from the usual trucking and hauling of the mainline game series. In gaming, however, 'offshoot' usually means a smaller, more contained experience. Something to do on the side, while waiting for a bigger series entry to drop. Like a standalone DLC!

With that in mind, we do not blame you at all if you, too, were concerned with Expeditions: Mudrunner's relative longevity. For those of you who are unsure whether Expeditions is worth the $40 asking price, and whether there's enough content in the game to keep you busy for more than a few hours' worth of time - we have precisely what you're looking for.

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How Long is Expeditions: Mudrunner?

As we've previously discussed here at 2Game, Expeditions: Mudrunner is a more focused and streamlined Mudrunner experience. By default, it is mission-based rather than giving you free reign in the series' usual trademark open-world sandboxes, and this - combined with the game's offshoot status - could lead you to believe that it's short. Or short-ish, at least. Not the case, however. Not the case at all. We can verify right now, and the IGN's actual review will vouch for us, that it'll almost certainly take you over 100 hours to wrap up the game's main mission lineup.

You read that right - we expect it to take us over 100 hours to beat Expeditions: Mudrunner's main campaign mode! This, of course, does include an odd side-job thrown in for good measure, but it does not include any open-world exploration or post-expedition content that appears after you're done with one of the game's three main levels. Nor does our expectation include hunting for collectibles such as car parts, all-new vehicles, NPCs, gadgets, and other assorted goodies.

In other words, Expeditions: Mudrunner is positively immense. It'll take you dozens of hours to complete it, and it's certainly worth remembering that this doesn't include the post-launch content that'll drop into Expeditions throughout 2024 and beyond. So... you'll get your money's worth no matter what!

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