Gorogoa - A Puzzler Like No Other

Gorogoa - A Puzzler Like No Other
Mato Filipovic

By: Mato Filipovic

May 21, 2019

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I've never been much of a point-n-click guy. I like a good story, I love beautiful artwork most of the point-n-clickers bring with them, but the slow-paced gameplay wasn't my cup of tea.
That all changed once I started playing Gorogoa.

Gorogoa is a type of game you mention when people talk about whether video games are art.
In the beginning, there is only one comic book-like panel but moments later you will get access to three more empty panels. It is up to you to move, overlap and connect panels in a way that will further your progress through the story. It sounds simple, and it is, the first minute or so. The game slowly shows you through simple puzzles how the game works and puts you in a mindset that the game requires to be completed.

Thinking outside of the box could easily be a tagline for the game, which means not only do you need to use your brain but also your imagination.
More often than not there is no thematic connection between the panels until you notice the details and make that connection yourself, giving you that sweet "Eureka!" moment with almost every puzzle the game puts in front of you.

Visual presentation really stands out from the crowd, and it is easily identified. It is a nice mix of simple interface with colorful detailed panels that brings to mind Studio Ghibli cartoons and some of the best European comic books.

The story of the game slowly reveals itself, jumping from place to place and different timelines, giving you by the end a very satisfying whole, yet having just enough questions unanswered to have it open for interpretation. Everyone will get something different out of it, and that is really what great art is all about.
Although there are chapters in the game, the flow of the game is seamless and there is really no sense of crossing from one chapter to another, which is an absolute positive, making this game feel like a cohesive whole

Gorogoa is a short experience but it is by no means an easy one. While the game can be beaten in a couple of hours, you might get stuck every now and then, but it is never the game's fault. Everything is there - every clue, every visual hint, everything needed to solve the puzzle, and it is up to you to pay closer attention to details and move every panel to see if there is something hiding underneath it.
Every point-n-click game can drive us to point of frustration where we need to find the solution online, but do yourself a favor and figure Gorogoa on your own, even if it means taking some time off and returning to it later.
Completing any game is a special feeling, but with Gorogoa it feels like a true achievement.

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