Elden Ring PC Gameplay Reveal Information: Stream Summary Now Available!

Elden Ring PC Gameplay Reveal Information: Stream Summary Now Available!
Filip Galekovic

By: Filip Galekovic

April 11, 2021

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At long last, today is the day we're finally getting a proper and thorough Elden Ring PC gameplay reveal! That's right, if you've not been keeping track of things, you may well have missed the fact that From Software has cooked up a lengthy gameplay demo for us on November 4th.

This article is going to summarize the main tidbits in the shortest order possible. Basically, consider it a one-stop shop for this particular hype-building exercise.

Naturally, we're all extremely excited about the prospect of getting the scoop on Elden Ring gameplay. To that end, we've decided to host the Youtube premiere in the next section. If you're hoping to watch the gameplay reveal yourself, you can do so right on this page. If not, however, you'll still be able to check it out post-haste when you catch the time.

Pre-order Elden Ring today and make sure that you've got your Steam key ready to go!

Where can I watch the Elden Ring PC gameplay reveal?


If you have the time, be sure to watch the gameplay stream yourself! You can do so by using the Youtube embed we've got featured above. You can even set up a reminder so that you don't miss the bloody thing.

The stream is going to be 15-minutes long, and it was set to go live at 14:45 CET.

We did get to see a whole bunch of gameplay, and we've got to tell you - it's exactly what we've been hoping to see. Down below, we've taken some notes for you to sift through.

Elden Ring PC Gameplay Overview: Here's What We've Learned!

elden ring PC gameplay reveal brutal melee clash

First things first - it's been confirmed that Elden Ring was running on a PC for the purposes of this gameplay demo. Neat!

The demonstration kicked off with the showcase of traversal and saving mechanics. Saving works much the same as it did back in Dark Souls, featuring dedicated safe spots where enemies can't get to you. Traversal, on the other hand, has been massively improved across the board.

Even if we set aside the fact that the player character (Tarnished, as it were) can now jump by default, there's just a massive upgrade to one's mobility and agility in place. It shows in combat, too, but we'll get to that in a bit.

Mount gameplay was shown off, and it looks awesome. The animal itself controls remarkably well, and it's plenty speedy enough for horizontal movement across the massive overworld. Vertically speaking, it's substantially better than most of us are generally used to. The creature can leap across huge distances and go up and across hills with ease. Spirit springs for massive vertical jumps, too. Expect extremely open-ended exploration mechanics.

And! There seems to be no fall damage. This is very handy, too, as the world is extremely vertical - even more so than it was in Sekiro. Works very well in tandem with vastly improved movement mechanics.

There's a genuine overworld map that players can use, too. It is populated by the aptly-called Map Fragments, and it even features player-placed markers for points of interest. Markers placed on the map also show up in-game with a highlighted visual representation.

Hectic weather seems to play a major role, with lighting and storm grounds present at seemingly random intervals.

Faster, more brutal combat - with the resulting meta-game affecting every part of the experience

Combat is faster, more agile, and significantly more dynamic. Attacks shift from one stance to another and can be used to enact unique effects on enemies. Item crafting plays a major role in combat preparation.

Stealth makes an appearance, too, and it seems to be the way to go in most cases. Finishing moves seem to be very important once push comes to shove, however, with some enemies being surprisingly bulky and durable. To alleviate this, players can summon spirits for assistance in battle. Player experimentation will be key here, as they work like familiars. Some spirits are effectively special attack moves, as they disappear once the enemy is dead.

Online multiplayer features both cooperative and PvP combat, as well as invasion mechanics.

Dungeons seem to be very important and play extremely similarly to Dark Souls' old gameplay loop. Slow, methodical exploration, puzzles, traps, etc. They hold many secrets, and lead to high-end loot. Expect multiple routes and options when it comes to encounters inside.

Healing works much the same as it did in Dark Souls, from what we can tell.

Finally, the NPCs are as strange and mysterious as ever, and interactions have unique consequences. For example, you may listen to what one of them has to say as it could very well save you from certain death! Or even open up a unique, alternative route through the dungeon.

Closing Thoughts

At the time of writing this piece, we're just under an hour after the gameplay reveal has gone live. For those of you who are joining us late, we've also got some previous content for you to check out, too.

There's no telling what, exactly, might From Software decide to focus on. Our bet's on showcasing traversal and combat for the most part, with a dash of nuanced world interaction added in for good measure. Really, this may well be Dark Souls 4 in all but name for all we know.

Be sure to watch the full 15-minute gameplay reveal as soon as you catch the time. It's pretty incredible, and seals the deal on the fact that Elden Ring is a true From Software title.

The game is slated to come out on February 25th, 2022 - stay tuned for it right here at 2Game!

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