A Beginner's Civilization 6 Guide: Tips, and Tricks to Get You Started!

A Beginner's Civilization 6 Guide: Tips, and Tricks to Get You Started!
Matija Huremovic

By: Matija Huremovic

May 23, 2020

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So you picked up the free Sid Meier's Civilization VI copy from Epic Games Store and now you're wondering what to do? Well, in that case, you came to the right place! Here you will find a complete Beginner's Civilization 6 guide with all the tips and tricks you need to get started in creating a civilisation that will last throughout the ages. So settle in, and let's get started on mastering the ancient era with Civ 6!

Our Beginner's Civilization 6 guide will cover:

Choosing your Civ 6 civilisation

Civilization 6 leaders

As with previous Civilization games, the first thing you want to do in Civilization 6 is to choose your civilisation. Go figure. There are a couple of strategies you can emplore there. However, if you're a complete beginner I highly suggest going with the one you like the most. Don't worry, there is always time to worry about perfecting strategies.

However, you might not be a newcomer to the series and as such you already know which victory type you're going for. In that case, your Civ 6 leader choice will have a great impact on your game and strategy. So how to choose your Civilization 6 leader depending on desired victory type?

Domination win

Tomyris of Scythia

If there ever was a surefire way to win a game of Civilization, it's domination. Destroy everyone else and be the last one standing. Quite simple and effective. Not to mention timeless. In order to win by domination you have to conquer the capital of each other civilisation in the game. A task that sounds simple, but can be quite hard to complete.

But in order to make your Civilization 6 domination win easier you can choose Tomyris of Scythia. She is a highly offensive leader who excels at early and mid game army conflicts. Most of the credit for that goes to her ability which gives her units additional combat strength bonus when attacking damaged foes. Furthermore, her units will also receive additional healing when winning. With Tomyris of Scythia you will outdamage and outlast any potential threat.

Science victory

Peter the Great of Russia

Science victories have always been a great part of the Civilization games, and it's no different in Civilization 6. If you're looking for a non-violent way to win a game that will make you the envy of every other civilisation then this is the perfect choice for you. However, as I'm sure both America and Russia can confirm, the goal is anything but simple. The Civ 6 science victory is achieved by winning the space race. But you know, no pressure.

When choosing a leader for the science victory your best bet is to go with Peter the Great of Russia. As a leader, Peter the Great of Russia receives great bonuses from settling in tundras. Science bonuses included. Not to mention the districts generate additional science or culture points when their trade routes are connected to more advanced civilisations. If you settle in proper areas and maintain good trade routes you can easily snowball to science victory.

Culture win

Qin Shi Huang of China

As with previous games, achieving Civilization 6 culture victory can be an extremely difficult task. Primarily because it requires a great deal of great people and trading with other civilisations. Not to mention it will involve a great deal of planning when it comes to choosing policies. But hey, it makes you win by being famous! Just like in real life.

The easiest way to achieve Civ 6 culture victory is by choosing Qin Shi Huang of China as your leader. His civilisation is largely defensive and passive when it comes to warfare. Not to mention you get access to the Great Wall of China to further bolster your defenses. But the wall isn't there just to stop those pesky Huns from getting to you. It also provides major gold, culture, and tourism bonuses for every segment of your land adjacent to it. In order to get that sweet culture victory in Civ 6 as Qin Shi Huang of China all you have to do is build the type of wall which Trump dreams about.

Religious victory

Gandhi of India

Civilization 6 brings the ability to win by religion for the first time in the series. However, just because it is a new addition doesn't mean it will be simple. Quite the contrary. In order to achieve the Civ 6 religion victory you will have to convert half of every civilisation's followers to your religion. Mathematically speaking, that's a fuckton of people.

So which leader is top choice when attempting to achieve religion victory? Unsurprisingly, it's Gandhi of India. His is a largely peaceful civilisation, not to mention very passive one when it comes to warfare. As Gandhi of India, you get a major boost in faith on each turn for each civilisation you met that you're not at war with. Which is going to be most of them. And if everything else fails, you can just nuke everybody.

Diplomatic victory

Wilfrid Laurier of Canada

If you're looking into diplomatic victory I take it you're a sweet talker. However, it should be noted that diplomatic victory is only unlocked with the Gathering Storm expansion for the Civilization 6.

Unsurprisingly, your best bet to achieving a diplomatic victory in Civ 6 is is to choose Wilfrid Lautier of Canada as your leader. His civilisation has a very unique ability which grants them additional diplomatic favour for every 100 tourism points they get. Furthermore, Wilfrid Lautier of Canada also gets double the rewards from World Congress competitions and emergencies. Something that will go a long way when chasing the diplomatic win.

Civilization 6 city districts guide

Civilization 6 city district

Civilization 6 districts are a new addition to the series which make city management more challenging and fun. Essentially, each city will start with a city centre and then grow and expand into multiple districts. Each of these multiple cities / districts can be specialised to provide the desired bonuses, such as science or money. Furthermore, each of the specialised districts can house buildings which will increase their productivity.

So which districts should you build? Well, the answer to that is: it depends. As mentioned before, each district will provide certain bonuses, and the bonuses you want will depend on which victory you're chasing. For example, if you're going for the religion victory you'll want to build churches. But you're not going to do so if you're going for a highly aggressive domination victory.

Finally, as far as Civilization 6 district guide goes, one thing you never want to do is build a city district on top of a bonus resource tile. If you do so, you will lose access to it. And that is never a good move.

Civilization 6 guide to research and tech trees

Civilization 6 research tech tree

Research and technology are a big part of Civilization 6, no matter which victory type you're going for. Each new discovery can be found in a technology tree, with each one requiring previous research to be completed and unlocking more and more research opportunities as you progress. There are several ways to unlock a certain technology in Civ 6, but the most common one is by generating research points.

Research points are generated passively on each turn, and their amount can be increased by building special buildings in districts. For example, if you want to speed up your research you can build a campus district and focus on building the Great Library wonder.

However, it wouldn't be a proper Civilization 6 beginners guide without mentioning some other, somewhat sneaky, strategies you can use to complete research. First of all, most of the technologies have a special condition which halves the time required to complete it. If you're really looking to become the most technologically advanced civilisation, you should do all you can do meet those conditions.

The final tip in this Civilization 6 beginners guide to research is actually highly immoral. Did you know you can train spies to work for you? Well, those spies posses a special skill that will allow them to steal another civ's technology for you. By using spies to steal technology you can reap all the benefits without the hard work. Just like a high school jock having a nerdy guy do their homework for them.

Civilization 6 beginners guide to trading

Civilization 6 beginners guide trading

If any civilisation is to be successful, it has to trade with others. No exceptions. After all, you can't have access to every single resource there is. So what kind of a Civilization 6 beginners guide would this be if we skipped over the trading part?

So how do you trade in Civ 6? Well, there are actually two ways. The first one is quite simple and straightforward. You can trade with other civilisations directly through the diplomacy menu. Just open up the screen of whichever leader you want to trade with and make them an offer. However, they will not always accept it. Whether they accept your trade offer or not depends on how fair that deal actually is, what they think of you, and even game difficulty.

The second way to trade is by establishing a trade route. And this is the one you should largely focus on. You establish a trade route by first constructing a trader in your city, and then sending them to another other. Of course, you can only send them to discovered cities.

Furthermore, you can trade between your own cities. Even though it might not be as lucrative as trading with other civilisations it can still be extremely useful. It's a great way to boost the food storage and production of your new cities. However, that will greatly limit your access to different resources so make sure to determine which is of the higher priority.

Warfare in Civilization 6 beginners guide

Civilization 6 beginners guide warfare

As the final part of Civilization 6 beginners guide we'll be covering the warfare. As you might imagine, waging wars is a big part of Civ 6. Especially if you have chosen the domination victory path.

Unfortunately, declaring a war is not as easy as before. You can no longer just send some of your units to attack another civilisation's army or city and be done with it. Before you do so you have to declare a war on that civilisation. Furthermore, you have to choose the type of war you wish to declare.

The first kind of war is a surprise war. A surprise war is the one you have no real reason to start, such as previous hostilities between you and the other civilisation. Surprise wars are heavily frowned upon by other civilisations, and as such should be carefully considered before declaring. A surprise war in Civilization 6 will make you look like a warmonger and make everyone else much less friendly.

You can also declare a formal war. A formal war still carries consequences, although they're not as high as in the case of surprise war. However, before declaring a formal war you have to denounce the target civilization first. Denouncing them is essentially an official warning that you're not too fond of them.

Finally, there are reactive wars which carry the least penalty. One type of those is a holy war which you can declare if your religion is competing with that of the other civ. And the other type of a reactive war is the war of liberation. It essentially declares a war with the sole purpose of taking back a city which has been conquered and carries no warmongering penalty at all.

Final notes

Civ 6 beginners guide

Before we end this Civilization 6 beginners guide, there is one more important thing to cover. Civ 6 is a grand strategy game, with myriad of possibilities and strategies one can employ. If you're one of the people who got the Civilization 6 free copy from Epic Games Store it is only natural you might feel overwhelmed by everything. Even more so if this is your first experience with a Civilization game. So one thing you should remember is to take it easy and have fun. You don't have to stress out about perfect strategies and playing on the highest difficulty right away. Or at all, for that matter!

And finally, if you still don't own Civilization 6 but are interested in it, remember that you can get your copy and all of its expansions right here at 2game for a discounted price. Here are the full details if you want them. Have fun, and I'll see you next time!

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