Broforce - A Love Letter to 80s and 90s Action Movies

Broforce -  A Love Letter to 80s and 90s Action Movies
Mato Filipovic

By: Mato Filipovic

August 16, 2019

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Back in the 80s and 90s, our heroes and icons were muscular men armed to the teeth, waging the war against terrorism, drugs and everything that plagues our world to this day. They were nothing but a human, and they kicked some major ass.
Along the way, that type of heroism became obsolete for unknown reasons, and despite Sly's and Arnie's attempts at a comeback, the superheroes took the spotlight.
However, with some help from developer Free Lives and publisher Devolver Digital, the macho men are coming to the scene yet again.

It has been a while since Broforce got released but it wasn't until recently that I got to experience it for the first time (too many great games, not enough time for them all), and four years after the fact, this game feels like it came out yesterday.
The game puts you in the role of Rambro, a Rambo inspired veteran that is tasked with saving other members of the Brofroce from their captivity.
The more you play, the more Bros you unlock, such as Brommando, Browalker, and Snake Broskin, and as you can tell, all of them are inspired by the heroes that graced the action movies in the badass genre.
How did they get away with copyright is probably a question that probably shouldn't be asked.

Each Bro represents a life, so if your Bro dies new Bro will replace him, and each one has a specific type of attack and special attack, so you are (bro)forced to learn to play with each and every character, which is not as limiting as it might seem at first.
While a couple of starting missions might seem a bit too easy, the latter half will really put your skills to the test. Often you will be able to cheese your way out of a level, skipping most of the enemies, which is something that speedrunners will have the most fun with.
That is actually the most defining feature of Broforce, the diversity, from 30+ characters that all play differently to the ways you can beat the levels.

One of the best features is without a doubt destructive environment. You can level a whole level (ha!) with explosions, main weapon or even fists. It truly feels like being in an action movie feeling zero regrets, because, after all, you are fighting the terrorists.
It would seem that behind every terrorist is a devil, if Broforce is to be believed, and that is how you will end every stage, by killing the devil in a suit and escaping with a chopper.
Sounds kinda random to introduce such a supernatural element, but it is a clever hint of things to come.
See, while terrorists are the ones you will encounter the most, they are hardly the most problematic threats in the game.
I would hate to spoil what are the bigger threats, so I will leave that for you to discover. You won't be disappointed.

Broforce doesn't pretend to be more than it is, just like the movies that inspired it. It is fast-paced, fan service fun that will give you plenty of content for both solo and co-op play, and if that wasn't enough, a level editor is included for those more creative.
It is not a long journey to the end, but it is something you will want to come back to every once in a while.


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