Blasphemous - The Endless Cycle of Death and Rebirth

Blasphemous - The Endless Cycle of Death and Rebirth
Mato Filipovic

By: Mato Filipovic

December 10, 2019

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When you start to play Blasphemous you are greeted with a cutscene of a woman stabbing herself with a blade and dying on the spot.
Yep, this one is not for everyone, and yet by the end of the article, you will probably want to give it a shot.

The world of no hope

You play as The Penitent One, a faceless warrior armed with the aforementioned blade and raw will to save the world from constant anguish and pain. So, basically, the savior.

The world of Blasphemous draws inspiration from religious iconography without relaying to any specific religion, walking a fine line between being, well, blasphemous and inspired by Christianity.
It makes for a highly unsettling and unique feel complemented by highly detailed pixel art and fluid animation.

From stage to enemy design, it is clear there was a lot of attention out into it, but it is the boss battles that steal the spotlight. It has to be seen to be believed, honestly.

Exploring with my sword

When it comes to genre, Blasphemous is pure Metroidvania, which means nonlinear exploration and discovering different paths by upgrading your skillset.

While your main, and the only weapon, is the trusty blade, you will find plenty of items that will help you extend your health or magic bar, buff up your attack power or give you more defensive abilities. Coupled with skill-tree, relics, and mea culpa hearts, you will quickly realize that beating the game won't mean really beating the game. Got to go for that 100%, right?

While you are aided with the map, it won't be nearly as easy to get everything as items are hidden in hard to reach spots that require impeccable platforming skills or places filled with enemies... or both.

Luckily you are a skilled swordsman, so you will slash, dodge and parry throughout your journey, and you will be doing a lot of it. Thankfully, each strike and successful parry is extremely satisfying, especially when it comes to harder enemies.
A good parry often results with a stronger counter-attack, but every once in a while you will get a chance to perform a finisher, akin to Fatalities, that are especially gruesome yet morbidly creative.

Hard as nails

Dark Souls is the first game that comes to mind when talking about Blasphemous. Why? Oh, like you don't know the answer - it is so darn hard!

However, it is fair. None of the deaths came from games bad design or cheap enemy placement. Every inch of the game is meticulously planned through and every failure can only be blamed on you.
But, as every good hard game, with each life lost, it makes you wanna play more.

Checkpoints are not densely placed throughout the forsaken world, so each one feels earned.  It also makes you think before you slash. Even some of the most common enemies can give you a hard time if you underestimate them.

When stars align

Every element of Blasphemous fits like puzzle pieces. It makes for a truly satisfying whole that will stay with you long after you finish it.
You can get your copy of Blasphemous by clicking right HERE

Already played Blasphemous? What did you think of it? Did you get every upgrade and collectible? Let us know in the comments below!
Until next time, keep on gaming!

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